I am in absolute denial that Spring is not coming. Last Sunday's walk felt like the turning of wintertide, and to celebrate, I planted our vegetable seeds. Sticking to what we know grows best for us; three types of squash, including the Boston Marrow that Libby Buttons send me from America. Courgettes (which my US friends called zucchini) Cucumbers, Rosemary, a squadron of them, to nullify the pain of losing my old timers during the snow. Basil, to pretend that we may, one day, have summer. Tomatos and some long sweet peppers that might not come up as they are a little out of date. And broad beans for some early crops. Then the weather played spiteful tricks and we have had snow again. Today we dutifully marched across muddy fields for some fresh air and exercise. We were not the only ones waddling down the footpath. But we could not fly away like this - Or land with such perfect synchronicity. I have been completely wrapped up with the next stages of my two jobs. and trying to juggle them. One of them has already used up an entire A3 sketchbook. I enter the studio, start work, and with a few mental breaks for Twitter and Facebook (hey, I don't take lunch breaks!) - I am working for 8-9 hours at my desk at things I may not reveal - yet. This is not going to change until July, so I will have to find something else to talk about or I will turn into a silent bore.